The registration procedure of the successful candidates of the National Examinations in the Departments of Higher Education is announced every year by a circular of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs which is posted on its website. In recent years, registrations have been mandatory online, without requiring successful candidates to go to their successful Schools and Departments.

Applicants must apply via the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs’ electronic application at an electronic address to be announced, by entering the candidate’s 8-digit exam code and the same password that was used to enter the Computerized Report’s electronic application. The details of the procedure are described each time in the relevant circular of the Ministry.

After the end of the registration deadline, the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs sends the name lists of the students who registered online to the institutions of the country so that the identification of the students can begin. Students should monitor the website of the Department of Nutrition Science and Dietetics to be updated on the required supporting documents, the method and deadlines for their submission, in order to complete their identification and registration. They will then be able to obtain the access codes for the University’s online services.